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How to make fun and engaging lessons with Video Gallery

Video Gallery is a separate window tap that you can have all your students. It displays up to 49 videos of students per screen in a grid pattern. Since it is a separate window tab, it doesn’t take up the space for teaching content. You can keep the teaching content on the ClassIn blackboard, and see every student’s face by flicking back and forward.

What’s good about this feature is that you can create better connections with students. When the Video Gallery is on, students will see their camera at the bottom left at the corner. By using this feature, you can give students one-on-one experience and students will get more focused and motivated. The focus is on them not on everybody else!

You can do more class activities with the Video Gallery. Since the Video Gallery window tab is only visible from teacher’s screen, for every student to see the Video Gallery tab, you need to use ‘screen sharing’ features. If you don’t want students to see each other’s answer, you can just stick to the default setting of the Video Gallery.

5 Video Gallery Activities

1. Dancing & singing along

We need to get the kids moving. Students may experience severe fatigue after sitting and staring at their monitor for a long period. We need some activities to save our kids from the tiredness. Dance moves can be great activities to boost the engagement as well as to build their emotional awareness.

You can lead the students in few movements. At this time, you can put on a video for students to follow motions, or put music on to gauge the class temperature.

2. Scavenger Hunt

Name an object that is related to your teaching content, but make sure that it is commonly found in home. For example, if you’re a science teacher, you can task students with “finding something magnetic”, and all the students will go and find it. Whoever returns back with the object first is the winner of the round. Searching for specific items can be a fun and creative way to grasp a class concept. Also, it is a part of fun to see what students are bringing, since everyone is in a different setting.

3. Speak with your Body

Pose a question related to their teaching content, and students can answer by moving their body. Like, putting their hands on their heads for Yes, or crossing their arms for No. Alternatively, you can ask your kids to put their thumbs pointed up or down.

You can also progress multiple-choice questions by using each corner of the screen, like top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right at the corner. Students answer by pointing at each corner.

4. Catch Mind

Have students prepare a personal white board or a piece of paper and a marker for this game. Present an image or drawing and ask students to write their answer on a piece of paper or their whiteboard. Make sure to align with your teaching content! Whoever answer the first is the winner of the round.

5. Survival Quiz

This is another quiz game! As written above, you can have several one-off activities using the Video Gallery. Prepare and pose a series of questions, and students write the answer on their board, and hold it up for everyone to see. Whoever has wrong answers should turn off their cameras. Continue the game until you have only one player left.

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